sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008


Volkstheater, originally uploaded by Santiago Ojeda.

Vuelvo a postear esta foto, esta vez debido a que ha sido seleccionada para la 4ª edición de la Schmap Vienna Guide :D
Ya se que no es una gran cosa pero estoy contento, veo que hay gente por esos caminos de dios que, de vez en cuando, mira mis fotos xD.

Volkstheater, por Wcities (en inglés):
The Volkstheater was founded more than 100 years ago by request of the citizens of Vienna, amongst them the dramatist Anzengruber and the furniture manufacturer Thonet, in order to offer a popular counter weight to the Hofburg Theatre. It was erected according to designs by Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer, who attempted to reconcile their plans with historicism. The founders of this stage had a theatrical stage in mind, in order to expose wider circles of the population of Vienna to classical and modern literature whilst staging these next to more traditional plays. The theatre follows this tradition even today. Exciting new productions of the classics are always in the pipeline along with regular reinterpretations of works by Raimund and Nestroy and many new plays and reruns. Special attention is given to Austrian playwrights of old and new.

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